Getting it Built  ! Bernard Humphrey-Gaskin - ABP Architects

Copyright © Bernard Humphrey-Gaskin , abp Chartered Architects

The Roofs: shutting the lid ... and much more...

The roofs are fundamental element in the enclosure of the building.  There are various types of roofs from flat to pitched. All of them need to function as a means to keep the rain, wind and snow out of the building.  Often roofs are used by architects as a way of defining the unique nature of the building to be constructed.  They can be designed to articulate the current fashion and trends, or built to emulate some past historical period.  The finishes to the roofs are an important aesthetic choice and can show a value to the architectural outcome.  Materials used for the finishes to the roofs are very much dependent on the pitch of the roof required.  

See the link to an article to read more....