Getting it Built  ! Bernard Humphrey-Gaskin - ABP Architects

Copyright © Bernard Humphrey-Gaskin , abp Chartered Architects

Design to Completion

Bernard Humphrey-Gaskin has run his own architectural business since 1991, and has worked in the educational, commercial and residential sectors.


ABP Chartered Architects provides planning and building regulation drawings and documentation, in order for clients take their own projects on site with their chosen builder.

Bernard Humphrey-Gaskin has decided in this web-site to give a photographic illustration from design to completion.

A well designed and functioning building is a mark of good architecture

The Building ( It is Built !!! )

Foundations, walls, floors, structure, roofs, etc make the building

The Construction ( Getting it Built !!! )

It is more than just drawing that makes a building, but it is a start

The Design ( The Drawings )

The Process of Construction

The ResultThe ConstructionThe DesignThe Construction Process
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Interesting quotes:   

”…After all is said and done, more is said than done…”     d…Aesop c.600BC

“…The painter who draws merely by practice and by eye, without any reason, is like a mirror which copies everything placed in front of it without being conscious of their existence...”   d…Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1319